Mentorship to the Movies

Lights! Camera! Action! Our newest program is designed for the person who wants to shadow their favorite writer, director, producer, or actor on a “live” set.

Our Backstage Pass to the Movie Industry® instructors partner you with a mentor in your desired field who is currently working on an active set.


Benefits Include:

– Insider expertise from a personal mentor

– Direct coaching

– Measurable growth in record time

– Access to the mentor’s resources and network

– A safe environment to ask questions

– Challenges beyond your comfort zone

– The ability to develop a personal and professional relationship

– Practical learning

– State-of-the-art Training

– Ability to be on a live feature film or television set

– Ability to gain an ally within the entertainment business

– Firsthand feedback from the mentor in key areas of your development

– A friendly ear to listen to any frustrations that you may encounter within the business

– A sharper, tailored focus on your desired outcome long-term

Ultimately, if you join the “Mentorship Program” this will be a 1:1 mentoring experience, with one of the “Backstage Pass to the Movie Industry” instructors and the mentor.

– 1:1 Mentoring

One-on-one mentoring is the most common mentoring model, matching one mentor with one mentee. Most people prefer this model because it allows both mentor and mentee to develop a personal relationship and it provides individual support for the mentee. The program will follow this method, as we believe it will create the most successful opportunity for the mentee.

We will work hard to provide the best mentor available based on your availability to travel to set locations and to participate in the full program.

Get ready for the experience of a lifetime by learning from some of the best in the industry!