Entertainment Scoop ~ Interview with Movie Producer, Angela White

By Miranda A. Uyeh|May 1, 2020|mautobeaperson.com
Angela White is a movie producer, writer, and speaker. She’s the person behind the film, A Question of Faith (read the TBAP review here), one that turned out to be a favorite among many Christian audience. Beginning her journey as a talent manager, she discovered her love for story and telling it on screen, and then went full-time, starting a company of her own with a clear mission that holds true to her work. She took the time with TBAP to tell us a bit about herself, her faith, her journey as a producer, and how the project, A Question of Faith, came to be on screen. Take a look!
Miranda ~ Hello Angela! It’s a pleasure to have you visit TBAP today. Could you please tell us a bit about yourself?
Angela: Hello, thank you for having me. I am a film producer, author, business coach, and motivational speaker, who hails out of Los Angeles, CA. I am from New Jersey and started working in the entertainment business in the ’90s as an event promoter and talent manager of comedians. Once I moved to Los Angeles, California, in early 2000, I was introduced to the world of film and television production, and I loved the idea of the power of telling stories that could impact the world. I have produced over thirty pieces of content, and feel that I am just starting in the industry.
Miranda ~ When did you first give your life to Christ? Tell us your story.
Angela: I gave my life to Christ as a teenager. My parents instilled a solid Christian foundation in my house while growing up. I was very active in church as one of the musicians, as I play the piano, and once I started to understand the power of God and how He moves mountains in one’s life, I decided to know Him for myself. I walked down to the front of the church and accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. I haven’t looked back.
Miranda ~ When did you first discover your dream of making movies, and how did you eventually get into it?
Angela: When I was a talent manager, I met many producers, and one was gracious enough to take me under their wing and mentor me. I didn’t go to film school, so I wasn’t sure what producer roles or responsibilities were, so once I started learning, I got bit by the bug and wanted to master my craft and do this full time.
Miranda ~ Who would you say has influenced you the most in life, and how have they done so?
Angela: My mother is my biggest influencer. From learning about Christ through her parenting to always supporting my dreams, she was the first teacher and is the constant mentor of life. My Mom has been involved in every aspect of my life, and the one constant through all trials and tribulations.
Miranda ~ Who has influenced you the most professionally?
Angela: This is a good question, as I really had to think if there is one person that I can say influenced me the most, and I couldn’t as there have been too many people collectively that have helped shape me. From the very first producer, Carol Ann Shine, who gave me my first producing job and credit to Lisa Diane Washington, who helped teach me the roles and responsibilities of being a producer, to also keeping a strong relationship with God in the business. I have been blessed by a few people who greatly influenced my career.
Miranda ~ What led to your studio partnering with Pureflix to distribute A Question of Faith, and, how did you select your cast?
Angela: My company, Silver Lining Entertainment, partnered with Pure Flix Entertainment once the film was completed, as we were looking for a theatrical distributor. At the time, Pure Flix was the best fit as they focus on Christian content, and I believed they would make sure the film was seen nationally across many screens.
When I was developing the film—since I always work with Casting Director, Lamese Williams, and when the script was in a good place, she would start a wish list of actors that fit the role and have a sensibility to doing a faith-based film—the first person we needed to cast was David Newman, who played the Pastor, and we wanted Richard T. Jones, and we directly contacted his representation, and the rest was history. We systematically selected each cast member to make sure they were perfect for the role, and we had a long audition process in which we found newcomers, Amber Nelon Kistler and Karen Valero. The entire casting process took three months, and we were delighted with every single person in the film.
Miranda ~ Why did you make/produce A Question of Faith? What was your vision behind the movie, and what hardships did you experience along the way?
Angela: After the advice of a few confidantes, I decided to search for a faith-based film, and I remembered meeting the writer, Ty Manns, months earlier, and once I read the script, I knew this was the perfect fit for my company mission and the country. My vision for the film was to make sure that we had a multi-cultural cast that reflected how the country looks, and I wanted real issues that people could relate too. We dealt with social issues, such as texting and driving, organ donation, race relations, lack of faith, and learning to forgive. All of these issues resonated with me, and I felt others strongly would enjoy the topics being discussed in the film as well. I only want to make films that speak to people and are relatable. This is my vision for any projects that Silver Lining Entertainment wants to be a part of and produce.
Miranda ~ What advice would you offer someone with the calling to write/make faith-based movies?
Angela: I would advise anyone seeking to enter the film industry and write or produce a faith-based film to research this field. I have an online educational platform, “Backstage Pass to the Movie Industry,” and we always teach our students to research, seek mentors, who have already gone through the process, and make sure that you are working on a film that is relatable and authentic. In the faith-based industry, people can sniff out a fake, so you must be truthful to the process and the story you are telling. Lead with your heart, but be mindful that this is a business, so you will need partners in the Christian arena and significant support of churches from all over the country.
This or That – The Fun Qs!
Coffee, Tea, or Mocha? Tea
Dresses or Pants? Pants
Boots or Heels? Boots
Vegetables or Fruit? Fruit
Music or Books? Music
Juice or Smoothie? Juice
Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate
Cooking or Cleaning? Cooking
About Angela White
Whereas many influencers and icons in Hollywood seek to gain a greater following nationwide, her purpose is so much bigger. For film producer, author and motivational speaker, Angela White, it’s not about the lights and cameras. It’s about the legacy she will leave to her heirs and those who will come behind her in the entertainment industry. Featured on Fox News, Sirius XM Radio, TBN, and ABC News, to name a few, Angela has served as a trailblazer and mentor for thousands in the media and entertainment world—positioning them to better understand show business and, ultimately, earn more income.